The magical touch is delightful!

This is a delightful tale of a bookstore owner and a magical little fairy wren that comes into his life. While I cringed at times at some of the idiotic decisions this young man makes almost on a daily basis, I had to like the guy and want everything to turn out for the best. He keeps getting into deeper and deeper hot water at every turn. The pages just flew along and I couldn't stop reading.
The story is imaginative and original. There's a scene in the book that I can't say too much about without giving away plot but it was such a beautiful and heart wrenching scene. The book is written in a very modern tone but has poetic touches that make it quite special.
I'll be looking into other works by this author, especially his ghost story as I believe he'd write a very good one!
I won this book in a BookLikes giveaway.