Is the Bookternet a safe place for women?

What do you think?  Is the Bookternet a safe place for women to voice their opinions?  Would you have quit a book internet site if this had happened to you?  Or would you have handled it another way?  Read this article and let me know what you think:


I know I left a book club on Goodreads because I was blasted twice for comments I made about a book.  They weren't derogatory comments, just thoughts I had on a couple of incidents that occurred in the book.  Sometimes people see things differently when reading and apparently two people took offense that I had misinterpreted what had happened in the book and decided to tell me how stupid I had been not to see it their way.  It was quite upsetting and I decided that book clubs weren't for me.  But so far I haven't had any negative feedback on reviews I've given.  I think if this had happened to me, I would have reported the person to the powers to be on any particular book site, if possible. 


This is an issue that I've wondered about now that I'm writing 2-3 reviews a week on Amazon and quite a few book sites, such as BookLikes.  And it is a concern to me.  But I know that I count on others' reviews when I'm trying to decide on my next book so I would like to contribute to that by writing my own reviews.  How sad that voicing your opinion should be cause for concern. 
